If you don’t file your payroll taxes on time, you WILL receive a notice from the IRS for penalties. IRS payroll penalties are some of the most intense penalties to bear. As of January 2019, the penalties are as follows: 2% for deposits made 1 to 5 days late 5% for deposits made 6 to… Read More

Every year folks make new years resolutions, but the truth of the matter is that most resolutions are not kept. I never make resolutions, but I do set goals. If you have IRS problems, make it a goal to resolve that as soon as humanly possible. Why? Because the IRS doesn’t mind a bit of… Read More

Have you ever heard of an installment agreement denied simply because the Agent didn’t care for the taxpayer? I have… Fortunately, we were able to intervene and resolve it (eventually). This taught me a valuable lesson though, IRS agents are people too :-). Here are 5 Tips to Keep in mind when working with the… Read More

Why do we need an Employer Identification Number (EIN)? You need to have an EIN if you are required to report taxes or give tax statements to employees or annuitants. The EIN is a 9 digit number the IRS issues. This number is used to identify tax accounts of employers. Your EIN should be used… Read More