Tips for Speaking to an IRS Agent

Have you ever heard of an installment agreement denied simply because the Agent didn’t care for the taxpayer? I have… Fortunately, we were able to intervene and resolve it (eventually). This taught me a valuable lesson though, IRS agents are people too :-).

Here are 5 Tips to Keep in mind when working with the IRS.

  1. IRS agents and reps are employees of the government. They are not the government! This means that they have nothing against you personally, they just have a job to do. Don’t be angry at the employee, or their anger may come back at you.
  2. Despite the commercials, the IRS doesn’t settle debt (pennies on the dollar) without just cause. Don’t be blinded by the commercials, realize that you’ll have to have the right circumstances to settle for pennies on the dollar. If you call the IRS with that expectation only, you may be mistaken. To see if you qualify for an Offer in Compromise (which may be pennies on a dollar) visit the IRS website at this link:
  3. The IRS simply want to be paid what they feel is owed. Before you can settle any tax matter the IRS wants a full picture of what is owed. Understanding what you owe before you reach out to the IRS will give you a clearer picture of how to negotiate a settlement.
  4. The IRS’ flexibility will be based on you…
    1. If you want a fair resolution, present yourself to the IRS with the right attitude, preparedness and recommended solution.
  5. The IRS wants a resolution as much as you do.

If you feel that you can handle the IRS on your own, but need a little bit of coaching, consider a brief mock session. Contact us: Choose IRS Debt Settlement, and take advantage of your Free Consult.