New Year – New Direction

Every year folks make new years resolutions, but the truth of the matter is that most resolutions are not kept. I never make resolutions, but I do set goals. If you have IRS problems, make it a goal to resolve that as soon as humanly possible. Why? Because the IRS doesn’t mind a bit of linger… A bit of linger can cause your tax debt to double, triple or more because of accrued interest and penalties. Although, we can do a great job of removing many penalties, interest is statutory, basically, that means it won’t be removed. So set a tangible goal… today is January 3, 2019… I will contact the IRS before January 17, 2019 to find out what I need to do to get in their good graces. If you set goals, you’re more than likely to keep them. If you keep your goals, you’re more than likely to resolve your tax debt.

If you’re concerned about reaching out to the IRS by yourself, consider having a representative call on your behalf. A representative can find out what you need to do to get in compliance, and get you started on the right path. Just beware, not all representatives are created equal, for tips on what to ask a prospective representative download my free guide. If you have any problems grabbing the download, then please feel free to contact us via our contact page and we’ll get it right to you.